"Influenza Fuck Off" Ballpoint pen on paper, 1998 43.5" x 31.5"

Aris Prabowo is one of the rising stars from the Indonesian Art Institute in Yogyakarta. He is an important member of a group that calls itself Apotik Komik (The Comic Pharmacy) which exhibits on any empty wall on the streets of Yogyakarta. Apotik Komik has been actively making exhibitions since 1996, and just recently gained national recognition.

Aris Prabowo's painstakingly detailed works on paper are so finely crafted that one is as much in awe of his highly developed drawing skill as one is captivated by the mind bending content. Aris' works depict chilling tales that comment on such issues as the dangers of the US trained and supplied Indonesian army spinning out of control as the Indonesian government continues to lose its feeble grip on the reins of its military (The Playroom).